Bach Bibliography
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Author : Elferen, Isabella van
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TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Elferen, Isabella vanAffective discourse in German baroque textbased music. TijdschrMtheorie 9 3 Nov 2004 217-236
2. Elferen, Isabella vanBlood and Tears in J.S. Bach's Passions. [p]BachsPassions_Miami Feb-Mar 2003
3. Elferen, Isabella vanGothic music: The sounds of the uncanny. 2012 229p
4. Elferen, Isabella van'Ihr Augen weint!' Intersubjective Tears in the Sentimental Concert Hall. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 77-94
5. Elferen, Isabella van'Let tears of blood run down your cheeks'. Floods of blood, tears and love in German baroque devotional literature and music. 2005
6. Elferen, Isabella vanMusical expression of mystic love in Bach's vocal work. [p]IBS_Utrecht Sep 2000
7. Elferen, Isabella vanMystical love in the German Baroque: theology, poetry, music. ContextBachStud 2 2009 xxvi, 357p
8. Elferen, Isabella vanMystische Liebe in Text und Musik der barocken Passionsbetrachtung. [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel Apr 2003
9. Elferen, Isabella vanReading, seeing, hearing and feeling in Lutheran poetry and music of the German baroque. [p]Paragone_Utrecht May 2002
10. Elferen, Isabella van'Recht bitter und doch süße'. Lutherse theologie en mystieke liefde in de Matthäus-Passion. [ce]GeheimenMatthausPassion 2010 81-91
11. Elferen, Isabella van'Recht bitter und doch süße': Textual and Musical Expression of Mystical Love in German Baroque Meditations of Christ's Passion. Bach 35 1 2004 1-28
12. Elferen, Isabella van'Seuffzen und Thränen': of sighs and tears in Bach's vocal works. [p]BICB_Manchester Jul 2004
13. Elferen, Isabella van'Sie creutzigen alle Sinne des Leibes!' Die lutherische Passionsbetrachtung als Affekttherapie. [p]IATB_Eisenach Mar 2002
14. Elferen, Isabella van'Sie creutzigen alle Sinne des Leibes!' Multi-mediality, Consolatio Tragoediae and Lutheran Pedagogy in the German Baroque Passion Meditation. 2004 121-143
15. Elferen, Isabella vanTears of Transgression. Crying, Sensitivity, and Performance in Musical Culture of the Empfindsamkeit. Jan 2005
16. Elferen, Isabella vanThe affection of love in arts and sciences of the German baroque. [p]RE_Manchester May 2001
17. Elferen, Isabella vanThe Gothic Bach. UnderstandingBach 7 2012 9-20
18. Elferen, Isabella vanThe Gothic Bach: Film, TV, Subculture ... and Liturgy. [p]BNUK_Edinburgh Aug 2011
19. Elferen, Isabella vanThe Hungry Soul: Communion Mystics and Physiology in J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach 40 1 2009 35-57
20. Elferen, Isabella vanThe language of love. Baroque mystical love as an intertextual phenomenon. [p]ABS_Harvard Apr 2001
21. Elferen, Isabella vanTheological symbolism of blood and tear metaphors in German baroque poetry and music. [p]CHB_Cambridge Sep 2001
22. Elferen, Isabella van'Und ging hinaus, und weinete bitterlich': Music crossing Social Borders in C.P.E. Bach's Passions. [p]ABS_Leipzig May 2006
23. Elferen, Isabella vanVan Laura tot hemelse bruidegom: Mystieke liefde in poëzie en muziek van de Duitse barok. Incontri 20 1 2005 99-112
24. Elferen, Isabella vanVisuality in poetry and music of the early German baroque. [p]MVK_Groningen Feb 2002
25. Elferen, Isabella vanVon Laura zum himmlischen Bräutigam: Der petrarkistische Diskurs in Dichtung und Musik des deutschen Barock. diss. 2003 286p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita